Felix Severin Mack is graphic-, interior- and product-designer. Actually Felix Severin Mack is a kind of phantom, since he remains unknown for his customers as owner and chef-designer of the fraumaier.com brand.
He lets his dog “Frau Maier” the precedence when it comes to market his furniture and lamps, also his company in Esslingen wears that name. That is how Mack also presents his Terrier on his professional card as “Personal Assistant”.
Why does the designer Felix Severin Mack hide in the background? Because he renounces the super-elevation of design. He doesn’t believe that his products worth more when his name stands beside them. “Things are good or bad, not depending on the creator”, is what Mack says. Names for the assortment of “frauMaier” emerge out of this position – usually by chance. The ceiling lamp Andy is named after a friend, the sidetable Boy is called like that because such roll-tables are called “Boy” in English hairdressers.