Annika Maria Rimala is a Finnish textile designer, which became internationally famous with her Tasaraita pattern she made for the manufacturer Marimekko.
After she studied graphic design at the University of Helsinki, Rimala started to work for Marimekko. In those years from 1960 to 1982 Rimala worked for the traditional manufacturer and as chief designer for the fashion department a big part of it. That’s the time where the public image of the Finnish designer grew importantly, since she designed her most famous patterns then.
The typical products of Annika Rimala are the happy patterns and vivid colours that offered international recognition to her after she started her career. In big magazines, such as Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar and Elle she was a long-time guest.
Annika Rimala’s biggest earning was that she ignored the conventions of the time with her creations, by means of making patterns and colours affordable for everyone, erasing the borders between genders, sizes and ages with her textiles. That’s the reason why the Finnish designer was honoured with the “Suomen puolesta” in 1997, the biggest medal of the Finnish Estate, which is also known as “Pro Finlandia” medal.