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Three new trainees start their apprenticeship at Connox

News of 2015-09-23, of Anja Beckmann

Three apprentices joined the team of Connox in 2015, one of the leading online shops for design furniture and home accessories. Annika will become a clerk for marketing communication, Tatyana a clerk for office management. Hannes will become a specialist of application development in the team of the subsidiary Quillo GmbH.

More than 500 students had applied on the advertised apprenticeships. Annika, Tatyana and Hannes were successful. Now a theoretical practical mix of vocational school and the daily work of an online-shop - and thus modern equipment, a fast moving market and agile work awaits them. Particularly attractive: The training is designed for a subsequent permanent employment.

Practical training with views of adoption

Connox offers an all-including apprenticeships to the trainees with a company size of 50 employees. The trainees will be ready as soon as they have worked through each department at least once. Isabell Waldmann, instructor at Connox, knows the advantages of a small company for a training: "The training in different departments allows getting to know the operational contexts and classifying the own role one plays in the company. Our trainees won’t only see their package of tastks in their future work, but they will look outside the box." The instructor knows what she's talking about: She was the first trainee of Connox on 2008 - with only six colleagues at that moment.

Nine apprentices completed their training at connox since 2008 - mostly with very good grades. Seven of them decided to stay at the company.

About Connox (for
Connox is one of the leading online providers in the field of Interior Design. The shop has a huge assortment of awarded design objects, design classics and other pretty things for homes in the online shop - including more than 13,000 selected products from the premium segment. The Hanover-based company runs the shop with the in-house "EC suite", which was especially developed for online shopping from the subsidiary Quillo GmbH.

Press contact:
Connox GmbH
Eckenerstraße 3
30179 Hanover

Anja Beckmann
Tel.: + 49 (511) 300341-38

Find further information about the company and our products in here .