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Moebe - Shelving System

The Shelving System from Moebe in the ambience view. In different versions, the shelving systems present the minimalist and stylish design approach of the brand.

Shelving system made of wedges

Moebe's Shelving System is a minimalist and timeless shelving system constructed with wedges. This means that the shelving systems can be assembled without the use of tools or aids. Moreover, the use of wedges as a key principle offers users the possibility and full freedom to design the system in a variable way and to fix the shelves in any given position, thus, adapting them to specific needs. The shelving systems can be extended both in height and in width, offering endless possibilities of use.

Based on this design approach, co-founder Anders Thams explains: "We design according to the principle of creating simple constructions;
not gluing, welding, using screws, etc. Instead, we try these common ways of constructing products. We strive to
our designs in their simplest forms and functions and thus create designs that tend towards the banal."