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Laundry baskets - how to find the right laundry basket for your home

  1. The right size
  2. Different types of laundry baskets
  3. The right material
  4. Conclusion - you can consider this when buying
  5. Your advantages with Connox
  6. Purchasing advice at Connox

1. The right size

The size of the laundry basket depends on the number of people who use it. In addition, you should consider how often the laundry is washed.

Families accumulate quickly and a lot of dirty laundry, here the choice should be a large laundry basket with about 100 litres . If you do not wash regularly, a medium-sized laundry basket may be sufficient.

In a large household, the laundry can also be divided among several laundry collectors. These can then be placed in the bathroom for towels or in the children's rooms. Modern laundry baskets for the children's room are available from ferm Living . This promotes the independence of the new generation. Smaller laundry baskets can also be used to pre-sort the laundry by wash cycle or colour.

Your laundry basket should be this big

For small families or couples a laundry basket with 50 to 70 litres is required . A smaller basket is also sufficient here if washing is done several times a week.

Singles and people living alone do not need much space and storage, as usually not much dirty laundry accumulates within a short time. A basket with 25 to 30 litres is sufficient.

2. Different types of laundry baskets

Laundry basket with lid and without lid

Viktoria furnishing expert Tips for advisors "On irregular washing days, you should rather use closed laundry collectors to avoid unpleasant odours and not to draw attention to the dirty laundry. A ventilation system through small openings in the laundry basket and breathable material additionally prevent the formation of odours. - Viktoria, furnishing expert

Laundry basket with handle

If the laundry is washed in an external launderette or has to be carried to the laundry room or laundry room first, it is essential to ensure that the laundry basket is not too heavy, can be closed or tied securely and has handles.

Often textile laundry bags are also integrated to remove the laundry quickly and easily from the laundry basket. This not only simplifies emptying, but also facilitates transport to the washing machine.

3. The right material

Laundry basket woven: from wood, bamboo or rattan

Wooden laundry baskets are particularly stable. A model with a removable laundry bag that can be regularly washed in the washing machine is practical (1). Woven laundry baskets offer fine cavities through which humid air can escape. This prevents the laundry from starting to smell unpleasant (4).

Laundry baskets with modern designs

1. Little & More - Marie Pi laundry basket | 2. ferm Living - Half Moon Basket | 3. Korbo - Classic 65 with Korbo - Laundry Bag 65 | 4. OYOY - Sporta laundry basket

Plastic laundry basket

A plastic laundry basket is easy to clean by wiping it out. The material is water-repellent so that both dirty and damp laundry can be stowed away. However, to ensure that damp towels dry and no odours develop, the plastic laundry basket should be designed to be air-permeable and not completely closed by a lid.

Fabric laundry basket

Fabric laundry baskets are flexible, light and can be carried practically to the washing machine or launderette. Often the textile baskets are also washable. They look cosy and are available in modern designs. They are therefore suitable not only for the laundry room but also for the living room, bedroom or children's room. (2)

Stainless steel laundry basket

If the laundry basket is placed in a damp bathroom, it should be made of stainless steel. For adequate ventilation, small air holes should be provided. (3)

4. Conclusion - what you can consider when buying a laundry basket

  • For individuals a basket of 25 to 30 litres is sufficient. Couples and small families need a basket with 50 to 70 litres. Large families need a volume of approx. 100 litres, which can also be divided into various smaller laundry baskets.
  • Laundry baskets with lids create a tidy impression and laundry baskets with handles are practical when the laundry has to be carried to the washing machine.
  • With laundry baskets made of plastic or stainless steel, care should be taken to ensure adequate ventilation so that the laundry dries and no odours are formed. Wooden laundry baskets are particularly stable and fabric laundry bags are often washable and easy to clean.

Buy laundry baskets online at Connox - your advantages at a glance

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